Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Overpackaging: When Is Enough Enough?

So, in preparation of this past weekend's Perseid Meteor shower, I decided I'd need several accessory items for my photographic endeavors: a bigger SD card and a shutter release cable. I shoot with a Samsung NX100, and use an adapter to support my old Canon FD manual focus glass.

Anyway, that's not the story: the cloudy night precluded even any attempt at seeing a meteor, star, or the crescent moon.

The crux of this article is the products I purchased: a Lexar 8-GB SD card and a Vello remote shutter release.

The Lexar was packaged in a big, square, cardboard box that, when opened, revealed a similarly sized plastic holder. In this holder sat my new card. Really, Lexar? Similarly, check out the Vello remote device I bought. Doesn't it seem like they could've gotten away with a much smaller package? All that real estate is just being used for labeling, promotion. I'm sure that's what it's all about. Making sure one's product stands out in the crowd, on the shelf, behind the counter.

The box is too big, isni't it?
Lexar 8-GB SDHC Exterior Package
Lexar 8-GB SDHC Interior Package
Vello Remote Wired Remote Switch Package
Sad, huh? Is all that waste really necessary? Maybe it is. Maybe I'm not seeing the big picture. But it seems like the packaging could be more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. And maybe it would be reflected in the cost. Neither of these products broke the bank, but a little here and a little there tends to add up. Same goes for the packaging.

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