Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Vote for Me: The Mideast - Just Switch the Country Names

OK, I’m tired of all these middle-eastern countries squabbling, bickering, and just being downright nasty to each other. What’s up with that? You're tired of it too, right?

I mean, we just want their oil. There's no reason we should have to put up with that.

That’s why the solution here is to simply switch the names of all the countries.

I don’t care what they say either. If we stand firm on this one, it will work.

Here's how it works:

Let’s say we changed the name of the country that is now known as Israel to Iran, and vice versa. If you live in, say, the land of Israel, your new country is really Iran, which was once your sworn enemy. Only now you live in Iran. Conversely, the old Iran is now Israel. So, the Iranian government, formerly Israel, could never attack a country called Israel. It would be like attacking itself. And it wouldn’t be able to attack itself, even it’s now it’s own mortal enemy.

Think about it…Yeah, baby, I know!

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